On to more pressing issues...the past week has provided a real mixed bag of opportunities; from floating for trout and smallies, to drowning worms on the river, to hiking into a Class A brown trout stream. The only thing that stayed consistent was the quality of fishing and the great company I got to share it with...
Sunday was spent floating the Upper Yough for trout and while we turned some monsters on big streamers, the biggest fish that ended up coming to the boat was a smallie that Bryan nailed in the first mile of the float. Shortly after he proceeded to break off a nice northern and had a charge from a brown that easily went over 25"!
Meg and I spent Wednesday night catching catfish and drum on the Ohio. There was rarely a dull moment and despite Meg's best efforts to study, I think she spent just as much time reeling in fish as she did reading...
I floated the Bottom Yough on Saturday with Dad and Tom and we finally had the weather and flows to get the smallies active. This was what we had all been waiting for; Sandals and shorts, cold beers, great weather and smallies blasting clousers and topwaters. What more could we ask for? How about a kick ass ropeswing and a my biggest smallie from the Yough to date? That'll do...
Sunday began with Meg saying, "I could go for blueberry pancakes." Seeing that we had no blueberries in the house and I make crappy pancakes, we decided to head to a diner that just so happens to be about 10 minutes for a great hike-in wild brown trout stream. After stuffing our faces with everything BUT blueberry pancakes (I'm not sure how that happened), we burned off our breakfast by hiking 2 miles to the mouth of the stream and sharing a rod while fishing our way back up. Low, slow water made things tough, but we managed one gorgeous fish from a plunge pool that always produces...
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