Friday, January 16, 2009


Dear god...why do I live here? According to my little weather station on my computer, it's currently 9 degrees...which is a good thing, because the temperature is actually higher than the 4 degree high that was forecasted for today. The only consistent thing about the last few weeks have been a furnace that seems to never quit running, beer and fly tying....lots of fly tying.

If there is an upside to the big freeze, it's that it forces me to sit back and think about just how lucky we are. Lucky? You must think I am crazy...but just give me a minute here. Looking back at the pictures from the past year has become a frequent reminder of just how great the fishing is here for the 10 months of the year when the temperatures don't stand a good chance of killing you.
Sure, winter is torturous, but the wealth of opportunities that the rest of the year provides more than makes up for the short period of time when we are forced to sleep in (god forbid), think about all the good days we've had, tie flies and plan the trips that will surely make more memories for next winter...

Surely, there will be epic hatches...

Hopefully, we'll find some hungry fish...

Fish some beautiful water....

Harrass some more fish...

...and have so much fun doing it that we forget how lucky we are to have such great fishing so close to least until next winter.